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Our thoughts on...

The January Blues.... - by Kristian Shallcross

January....very rarely you’ll find this in the ‘favourite month of the year’ list. I’ve certainly never really been a fan, nor February and March for that matter. The return to routine after the festivities combined with dark mornings, debt and pressure to make changes can all take their toll. Overindulgence can lead to concerns about our health and our image. I’m currently amid ‘Dry’ January, an absence of alcohol. I have absolutely no idea why.

A friend of mine describes this time of year as ‘survival’ trying to get through to spring. They’re an avid nature fan, using this to combat their health issues. For them, seasonal affective disorder (SAD) results in low mood, depression, sleeping more and a general feeling of despondency.  Something I can certainly relate to at this time of year. I’m not surprised that some animals choose to hibernate.

All of this together, as with any other part of the year makes the importance of self-care integral to ‘surviving’ but also to thriving, getting the most out of this time of year. In Denmark and Norway there is a philosophy of ‘Hygge’ which promotes concepts of togetherness, comfort and wellness.

There is something to be said about getting closer to those around you, our ancestors would of no doubt had a need to stay close to each other for survival. This of course doesn’t need to be physical intimacy but may be a need to interact with others more, anything that helps you get through.
