Face to Face - Online - Telephone Counselling

Contact Us

Call, text or send an email

Face to Face counselling available in:
D Mill, Dean Clough Mills, Halifax (IanMags)

Office Hours
These can vary according to your counsellor. We generally have appointments available during the week, both daytime and evening. However we can be flexible so if you require a specific day or time please contact your chosen counsellor to discuss availability.

To book an appointment
Contact the counsellor of your choice by phone or email. If you are happy to receive a call back please leave your name and telephone number on our answerphone (only the individual counsellor accesses their answerphone so you can be assured of confidentiality)

☎ Contact

Ian - 07421 878693 ian.halcyon@outlook.com
Kathy - 07967 831053 counsellorkathy@gmail.com
Mags - 07923 448821 mags.halcyon@outlook.com


services & CostS

Counselling: £50 per session. Contact Ian, Kathy or Mags
Counselling Supervision: £60 per hour. Please contact Kathy or Mags

Workshops or training: We can create bespoke or tailor made workshops or training sessions on subjects such as emotional resilience, mental well-being or managing stress for your employees or other groups. Please contact Kathy to discuss your requirements

Employee or Organisational Counselling: We can offer counselling to your employees without complicated contracts or retainer fees. If you’d like to discuss how we can support your employees please contact Mags

Halcyon Counselling, Dean Clough, Halifax

Halcyon Counselling, Dean Clough, Halifax

Counselling is not a crisis or emergency service. If you need to speak to someone urgently, please contact your GP, NHS (Call 111) or the Samaritans (Call 116 123)